You've seen it many times on TV; a player seemingly unable to make his own decisions on the court, completely relying on coaches to direct the next move of the player. It seems match coaching...
"Girls wanted, no experience required, age not an issue."
Most badminton associations and badminton clubs are concerned about the decline of girls involved in badminton. So what can we do to attract more girls to badminton?...
Professional badminton players earn good money, but exactly how much, that's the question we've set out to answer with this story
Let's be clear: we do not know exactly how much money a given badminton player...
In recent years we've seen Ygor Coelho compete on the global BWF badminton tour. But apart from him, we have not seen but a few Brazilian badminton players compete on the world tour. Oliver Shepherd...
Denmark Open is the 2nd oldest badminton tournament. This year it took place in Odense, Denmark